Friday, March 25, 2011

23 Mar 2011

I will praise you forever for what you have done;
In your name I will hope, for your name is good.
I will praise you in the presence of your saints.
Psalm 51:9

O Lord my God, I want to praise you for what you have done in my life. You put me in a wonderful family that I may learn respect, love, and honor. You brought me to you, and continuously bring me closer, that I may know who I really am in you, a prodigal son brought home and rediscover his identity in his eternal merciful Father.

I have hope in you, not because who I am, but because who you are. You are abundant provider, the righteous judge, merciful father, faithful friend, mighty warrior, wise counselor, wondrous savior, blessed redeemer, caring shepherd, perfect guardian of life, loving husband, earnest listener of prayer, the holy God.

You are good. You are who you always are, how good is it that this God, whom reveals Himself “I am who I am”, opened my heart and bring me back to you. I shall have hope in you for who you are, and I will not lack guidance, provision, love, joy, peace, stillness in you.

Lord, helps me proclaim who you are, that the world may know you and give you all the praises that due to you and only you. For who you are, I shall praise you with all who belong to you, the saints that were sanctified by your Holy Spirit, the church of your Lamb who redeemed us. May all glory and power and strength be to you forever and ever.